I can only apologise. This blog has been a long time coming to say the least. Over the last few months I have found myself in a lull. I have finished one novel and am still attempting to get it published, fingers crossed. I have done the background work on novel number two and have started writing but this is happening in fits and starts. I don't know why but for some strange reason I just haven't been able to get movtivated.
In the mean time I have been writing my personal journal to try and keep the writing up in some form or another. This seems to have worked to a certain extent. Even though I am not writing my novel everyday but my interest in short stories (my first love) has been rekindled as an idea came to me. The first one I have sent off to a woman's magazine only today. Not only have I don't that but I have come up with a second in what has now become a small series. This one I have written (I like to write long hand and then type up) and am in the process of typing up, with the idea for a third short story in my head. All along a similar vein, and so here is hoping to something happening. If my interest in my short stories has been re-ignited, then maybe the writing of the second novel will pick up pace. I will be forever living in hope of that one.
With work calling me back to the white page I best go and try and get this next short story finished and make sure I have backed it up. Until next time.
Nice to see you blogging again. Good luck with getting your first novel published.