Monday 24 May 2010

Easter finally comes for me

Sorry for the wait but this good weather we have been having recently has taken me away from the every day things which I should have been doing. But I had some excitment this week.

You see at the beginning of April my husband (the dear) preordered the Feral Companions book. Two novellas one by Simon Maginn and the other by Gary Fry. Over one month and two phone calls (at least) later and we get a phone call to say that it has come into store for me to pick up. So yesterday we enjoyed the weather and went to pick up my Easter Present. Needless to say my husband ate his easter present long since.

Now I have the pleasure of getting to read works by my tutor. I get to see how it is suppose to be done. Well here's hoping, with all this good weather I might even get to sit in the garden with a drink of my choice and read it. Will let you know.

Monday 10 May 2010

Competition Time

I have written the short story; left it for a week; re-read it; changed gramatical errors; have done front page. I hav double checked everything right down to the fact that I had filled in the entry form correctly and got my husband to double check everything right down to me having filled the in entry form correctly.

My short story is winging its way to Woman&Home Magazine for this year's short story competition if it hasn't already arrived that is. I now hold my breath. May 21st is the closing date and so I turn purple in the face whilst I await the results. This is the part I dislike the most. The having to wait to see if I get a reply. The things we put ourselves through for doing something that we love so much. Just keep thinking of all those before and all those who follow that have been and will go through this too. It doesn't help with now though. Only another couple of weeks or so until closing date.

Can't time go just a little quicker, just this once?