Tuesday, 21 December 2010


I can't believe it is here again. Another December of us all going somewhat crazy trying to get the Christmas presents bought, wrapped, remembering who was getting what so you put the right label on the present, partially unwrapping the present to see which present I've just wrapped so I put the right tag on it. Getting gifts so that everyone gets the same.

I am one of these people who likes to try and make things a little different for the young people who I generally referr to as the kids. I know they may be adults to many but to me they are always the kids. I just can't help it. I'm sure it is because of how I was referred to by my dad.

I had two nicknames given to me. The first Iwas referred to all my life as it was how I called myself when I was young. I couldn't say my christian name so it came out as Nina and so that is always what I was called. Very few call me Nina now. My sister's kids call me Nina and that is how I refer to myself when I'm around my friend's kids, especially if I've known them all their lives. The other name was 'The youngster'. This name I wasn't given very much. I was sometimes referred to as this when dad was talking about my sister and me. As the name would suggest I was the younger of the two and so 'The Youngster' came into use. I'm sure this one is used by many when referring to their children.

I always find myself, at this time of year, checking myself so I don't put the wrong signature at the bottom. At home with hubby and at work I'm Chris. To my sister and In Laws I'm Christina, to my niece and nephew I'm Auntie Nina and to another friend I'm Tina. Funny how when dealing with Christmas cards and presents just how many different names we use in reference to just ourselves.

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