I can't believe it is here again. Another December of us all going somewhat crazy trying to get the Christmas presents bought, wrapped, remembering who was getting what so you put the right label on the present, partially unwrapping the present to see which present I've just wrapped so I put the right tag on it. Getting gifts so that everyone gets the same.
I am one of these people who likes to try and make things a little different for the young people who I generally referr to as the kids. I know they may be adults to many but to me they are always the kids. I just can't help it. I'm sure it is because of how I was referred to by my dad.
I had two nicknames given to me. The first Iwas referred to all my life as it was how I called myself when I was young. I couldn't say my christian name so it came out as Nina and so that is always what I was called. Very few call me Nina now. My sister's kids call me Nina and that is how I refer to myself when I'm around my friend's kids, especially if I've known them all their lives. The other name was 'The youngster'. This name I wasn't given very much. I was sometimes referred to as this when dad was talking about my sister and me. As the name would suggest I was the younger of the two and so 'The Youngster' came into use. I'm sure this one is used by many when referring to their children.
I always find myself, at this time of year, checking myself so I don't put the wrong signature at the bottom. At home with hubby and at work I'm Chris. To my sister and In Laws I'm Christina, to my niece and nephew I'm Auntie Nina and to another friend I'm Tina. Funny how when dealing with Christmas cards and presents just how many different names we use in reference to just ourselves.
Tuesday, 21 December 2010
Saturday, 11 December 2010
Mental and Physical Age.
The queen may have to birthday's but how many of us have two ages. Hands up. Both of mine are up and waving frantically.
You may ask how do I have two ages? It's a legitimate question. The answer to this question is simple. I have a physical age and a mental age. My birthday is tomorrow and so my physical age will be 38. My mental age, however, various. My mental age is anywhere between 12 and 18 depending on what mood I'm in. Unfortunately the difference in mental age and physical age makes it a litte difficult for my body to keep up with what my brain wants it to do but that is just the way life goes I suppose.
So as the physcial age causes me to slow down a little more tomorrow the mental age will allow my imagination to drift off as I go and see the new Narnia film at the pictures. I'm feeling all Christmasy now.
You may ask how do I have two ages? It's a legitimate question. The answer to this question is simple. I have a physical age and a mental age. My birthday is tomorrow and so my physical age will be 38. My mental age, however, various. My mental age is anywhere between 12 and 18 depending on what mood I'm in. Unfortunately the difference in mental age and physical age makes it a litte difficult for my body to keep up with what my brain wants it to do but that is just the way life goes I suppose.
So as the physcial age causes me to slow down a little more tomorrow the mental age will allow my imagination to drift off as I go and see the new Narnia film at the pictures. I'm feeling all Christmasy now.
Thursday, 18 November 2010
Weekly Blog
I seem to be getting into the habit of writing a weekly blog. Now that I have actually put it into print it will probably go haywire and it will be ages before I get the chance to get another posting done.
The last time I was on I was saying that I was stuck. I still am to a certain extent. I have managed to get some writing done; having got to chapter three. I was hoping that I might have managed to pick up the rhythm a bit but obviously not. Here is hoping that sometime soon things are just going to fall into place again.
Not even finishing my Christmas shopping and finishing my Christmas cards for posting has managed to get me into the flow of things like I had hoped. I am hoping to get unstuck soon. I better go as I feel that I might manage to get something put down onto paper once I have made myself the much needed coffee. Wish me luck; please!
The last time I was on I was saying that I was stuck. I still am to a certain extent. I have managed to get some writing done; having got to chapter three. I was hoping that I might have managed to pick up the rhythm a bit but obviously not. Here is hoping that sometime soon things are just going to fall into place again.
Not even finishing my Christmas shopping and finishing my Christmas cards for posting has managed to get me into the flow of things like I had hoped. I am hoping to get unstuck soon. I better go as I feel that I might manage to get something put down onto paper once I have made myself the much needed coffee. Wish me luck; please!
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
I've got going on novel number two. I have managed to write the first chapter and am onto the second but have got stuck over the last few days. The first novel flowed so easily I couldn't write it down quick enough but this one is just so much more difficult for some reason. I really must try much harder. (That sounded like an old school report there sorry).
I have to admit for some reason I knew the second one would be harder but I thought I would have more difficulty in acutally coming up with the idea not settling down to writing it. But each to their own I suppose. I best go and see if I can manage to get myself into the swing again. Here's hoping my next post will be a bit more positive.
I have to admit for some reason I knew the second one would be harder but I thought I would have more difficulty in acutally coming up with the idea not settling down to writing it. But each to their own I suppose. I best go and see if I can manage to get myself into the swing again. Here's hoping my next post will be a bit more positive.
Friday, 29 October 2010
Novel Number Two
How many times in the three and a bit years I have been doing the WB course has that lack of self confidence kicked in? Many I can assure you, and it has done it again. This you may have noticed, fellow bloggers, in my last blog.
Now thankfully the lack of self confidence has now gone and things seem to be getting back on track again. How do I know this? I have started novel number two.
Novel number one has been worked to within an inch of it's life, to say the least, and after a visit to the local library to use their copy of the Writers and Artists Yearbook so I could get a list of agents I have started the task of sending out my work in the hope that an agent will like what they see and decide to take me on as a client. I live in hope with fingers, toes, arms and legs all crossed. But to stop my nerves from kicking in and my self confidence plummeting into the depths I have started the second book in my trilogy. The background work has been done, new characters profiled (must get the profiles of the returning characters out of the filing system), scenes and chapters typed and printed, and today pen got put together and the second novel has begun. A day to remember although if the last book is anything to go by it will soon become and dim and distant memory.
And so to the filing box before I forget and pull out those profiles I desperately need. I hope that I will hear from you all soon.
Now thankfully the lack of self confidence has now gone and things seem to be getting back on track again. How do I know this? I have started novel number two.
Novel number one has been worked to within an inch of it's life, to say the least, and after a visit to the local library to use their copy of the Writers and Artists Yearbook so I could get a list of agents I have started the task of sending out my work in the hope that an agent will like what they see and decide to take me on as a client. I live in hope with fingers, toes, arms and legs all crossed. But to stop my nerves from kicking in and my self confidence plummeting into the depths I have started the second book in my trilogy. The background work has been done, new characters profiled (must get the profiles of the returning characters out of the filing system), scenes and chapters typed and printed, and today pen got put together and the second novel has begun. A day to remember although if the last book is anything to go by it will soon become and dim and distant memory.
And so to the filing box before I forget and pull out those profiles I desperately need. I hope that I will hear from you all soon.
Monday, 25 October 2010
Writing Changes
I was always the sister that many thought was the shy, quiet one. I think I have surprised a few people along the way as I haven't turned out to be so shy and retiring. My other half just snorts at me when I say that I was once, shy and retiring.
Even though I have come out of my shell, so to speak, my self confidence hasn't exactly been very high. I would never be able to do something like Strictly Come dancing or X facter as I am neither very good at dancing or singing. I would also be very embarrassed at having to do something in front of the general public.
However, when I made the concious decision to try writing a novel I managed to get to the end. I was filled with elation. I had managed to do it but then came the scary bit. I had then to go on and start my attempts at getting an agent. This is not the easiest of things. I know that from the many interviews I have read about other authors. But if I had still be that shy, quiet and retiring youngster that I once was then I would have given up after the first rejection and gone no further; but I have now applied to two further agents. I would never have done that in what now feels like a previous life. It is amazing just how obvious to me it now is; just how much I have changed and all because of a writing course and great tution.
Even though I have come out of my shell, so to speak, my self confidence hasn't exactly been very high. I would never be able to do something like Strictly Come dancing or X facter as I am neither very good at dancing or singing. I would also be very embarrassed at having to do something in front of the general public.
However, when I made the concious decision to try writing a novel I managed to get to the end. I was filled with elation. I had managed to do it but then came the scary bit. I had then to go on and start my attempts at getting an agent. This is not the easiest of things. I know that from the many interviews I have read about other authors. But if I had still be that shy, quiet and retiring youngster that I once was then I would have given up after the first rejection and gone no further; but I have now applied to two further agents. I would never have done that in what now feels like a previous life. It is amazing just how obvious to me it now is; just how much I have changed and all because of a writing course and great tution.
Sunday, 12 September 2010
Nervous Novelist
I never thought I would see the day when I could actually turn round to people and say that I had written a novel. But I have and I do. Not only have I done that but I have actually sent away the first the chapters and a synposis attached to my initial email as requested by the agent I would like to represent me.
I don't recall feeling as nervous as I did that Tuesday when I had pressed the send button and everything disappeared from my screen and winged its way to its destination. Those first few seconds after it had gone I felt a surge of nerves and excitment. It was better than the feeling when I had known the last of my exams were over at high school; and so I told everyone that I had finally plucked up the courage and done it.
Now I am nearly two weeks on since pressing that send button. The one which is going to let me know whether I am really any good or not as a novelist. I still have a long wait for a reply I hasten to add. It will be at least six weeks before I hear anything and even then it will depend on how busy they are at the other end. All I can do is wait. But it is like waiting for that dreaded brown envelope containing the certificate with my exam results on it. Nerves are beginning to grow and I still have at least a month. But I have to admit even thought there are all these emotions running rampant I am glad that I took the plunge and didn't. If I hadn't then I would be regretting it right now. All I can do is sit and wait and get on with the sequel. To many ideas so little time.
I don't recall feeling as nervous as I did that Tuesday when I had pressed the send button and everything disappeared from my screen and winged its way to its destination. Those first few seconds after it had gone I felt a surge of nerves and excitment. It was better than the feeling when I had known the last of my exams were over at high school; and so I told everyone that I had finally plucked up the courage and done it.
Now I am nearly two weeks on since pressing that send button. The one which is going to let me know whether I am really any good or not as a novelist. I still have a long wait for a reply I hasten to add. It will be at least six weeks before I hear anything and even then it will depend on how busy they are at the other end. All I can do is wait. But it is like waiting for that dreaded brown envelope containing the certificate with my exam results on it. Nerves are beginning to grow and I still have at least a month. But I have to admit even thought there are all these emotions running rampant I am glad that I took the plunge and didn't. If I hadn't then I would be regretting it right now. All I can do is sit and wait and get on with the sequel. To many ideas so little time.
Friday, 3 September 2010
What is it about nerves?
I am an emotional person. I always have been. That is a part of my life. I know this and have accepted this fact. Nothing is going to ever change that. But what is it about nerves?
I am not nervous all the time don't get me wrong but. There is always a but isn't there? whenever I have an interview or sit and exam, or in this instance sent an email with the first three chapters of my first ever book along with the synopsis as requeste, my nerves just kick in. I can't help it. They weren't there two seconds before I sent the email but as soon as I pressed the send button then every single nerve I possess came out of hibernation. Followed very quickly by a feeling of euphoria.
I don't regret what I have done. I always wanted to be able to say that I have written a novel and tried to get it published but it is just that initial pressing the send button and knowing that I have actually done it. No sooner had the nerves kicked in then they disappeared again and all I wanted to do was tell all my friends that I had actually had the guts to do. Numerous texts and phone calls later and I am still on a bit of a high. The nerves have disappeared but the feeling of euphoria is still at it's peak and those ants have now come out of hibernation. Why can't it just be one thing at a time? It takes me until about midnight to actually calm down again to be able to sit in my seat without wriggling about. Don't even ask me to go to bed at that point there is just no way I am going to be able to get to sleep.
I must try and find something that takes my mind of it but the only thing I can think of is starting the next novel. Hhhhhmmmmm might let those nerves calm down a bit more. Sleep seems more valueable than starting a novel right away. Especially a half past midnight.
I am not nervous all the time don't get me wrong but. There is always a but isn't there? whenever I have an interview or sit and exam, or in this instance sent an email with the first three chapters of my first ever book along with the synopsis as requeste, my nerves just kick in. I can't help it. They weren't there two seconds before I sent the email but as soon as I pressed the send button then every single nerve I possess came out of hibernation. Followed very quickly by a feeling of euphoria.
I don't regret what I have done. I always wanted to be able to say that I have written a novel and tried to get it published but it is just that initial pressing the send button and knowing that I have actually done it. No sooner had the nerves kicked in then they disappeared again and all I wanted to do was tell all my friends that I had actually had the guts to do. Numerous texts and phone calls later and I am still on a bit of a high. The nerves have disappeared but the feeling of euphoria is still at it's peak and those ants have now come out of hibernation. Why can't it just be one thing at a time? It takes me until about midnight to actually calm down again to be able to sit in my seat without wriggling about. Don't even ask me to go to bed at that point there is just no way I am going to be able to get to sleep.
I must try and find something that takes my mind of it but the only thing I can think of is starting the next novel. Hhhhhmmmmm might let those nerves calm down a bit more. Sleep seems more valueable than starting a novel right away. Especially a half past midnight.
Friday, 27 August 2010
Big Bang Weekend
My holidays ended with a very busy weekend last weekend. I have barely recovered from it and today is friday. That says alot doesn't it.
Last Saturday I was helping my friend and her mum at an event with the birds of prey. Well busy doesn't even begin to describe how the afternoon went. There were a number of other stalls round about us doing there own thing. But for some reason the crowds instinctively knew we had arrived.
We had barely got the boxes and various pieces of equipment out of the car when we had a row of young people wanting to know what we had in the boxes. Before the last of the birds had been brought out of their boxes there was a queue. I have never seen anything like it. Imagine it if you can; eight birds and three woman faced with a queue that seemed to disappear into the distance. We were stunned. It was so busy all of the time that it was a case of 'Lunch' what is that? and as for a loo break we had our legs crossed until we couldn't keep them crossed any longer. We each had to make a mad dash to the toilet and a mad dash back again. That was kinda funny I have to admit. The neverending queue (we seemed to be the only ones who had this queue) made the afternoon passed very quickly. Before we knew it everyone was tidying up round about us but we still had that neverending queue of people. We could have been there all night if the crowds had had their way. We were all glad to get home again. I have never seen three women be able to move things so quickly in my life before with exception to the loo run.
Sunday was spent at Braehead in Glasgow at the Collectormania Convention. This is the one day of the year that I really look forward to. We get to have a look around for things that we (my husband and I) are really into. It was so much fun. We arrived early and got to look around first. Five hours laters and we are only thinking on leaving after participating in a couple of question and answer sessions with some of the stars that were there. Red Dwarf and Dr Who. I might have guessed. I have never been so tired in all my life. But I came away with some things that related to the Harry Potter movies. Well that is my thing and I enjoy it. Roll on November and Deathly Hallows Part 1.
Last Saturday I was helping my friend and her mum at an event with the birds of prey. Well busy doesn't even begin to describe how the afternoon went. There were a number of other stalls round about us doing there own thing. But for some reason the crowds instinctively knew we had arrived.
We had barely got the boxes and various pieces of equipment out of the car when we had a row of young people wanting to know what we had in the boxes. Before the last of the birds had been brought out of their boxes there was a queue. I have never seen anything like it. Imagine it if you can; eight birds and three woman faced with a queue that seemed to disappear into the distance. We were stunned. It was so busy all of the time that it was a case of 'Lunch' what is that? and as for a loo break we had our legs crossed until we couldn't keep them crossed any longer. We each had to make a mad dash to the toilet and a mad dash back again. That was kinda funny I have to admit. The neverending queue (we seemed to be the only ones who had this queue) made the afternoon passed very quickly. Before we knew it everyone was tidying up round about us but we still had that neverending queue of people. We could have been there all night if the crowds had had their way. We were all glad to get home again. I have never seen three women be able to move things so quickly in my life before with exception to the loo run.
Sunday was spent at Braehead in Glasgow at the Collectormania Convention. This is the one day of the year that I really look forward to. We get to have a look around for things that we (my husband and I) are really into. It was so much fun. We arrived early and got to look around first. Five hours laters and we are only thinking on leaving after participating in a couple of question and answer sessions with some of the stars that were there. Red Dwarf and Dr Who. I might have guessed. I have never been so tired in all my life. But I came away with some things that related to the Harry Potter movies. Well that is my thing and I enjoy it. Roll on November and Deathly Hallows Part 1.
Thursday, 26 August 2010
A dim and distant memory
Why is it that even after only a few days that holidays seem like a dim and distant memory?
Everything was back to normal on Monday as usual and after only an hour or so it seemed like we had never been on holiday. It didn't really hit me until I went to bed. What a time for it to hit. I am in the bed on my own. Great! This isn't a brilliant time to be feeling lonely. I couldn't get to sleep because of it. Even now I am finding it difficult and it is now Thursday.
But on saying that I have got back into the swing of working on my novel. I am into my fourth draft now. I hope to get it finished soon and then maybe, just may be, I can get it sent off to an agent. The only time that I have been this nervous is when I have been waiting for exam results or going for an interview and my nerves always get the better of me. Even now. You would think that with all the experiences I have had over the years that this wouldn't be an issue, but it is, and I don't think I am going to be able to get rid of them now. I can, I suppose, forever live in hope. I felt sorry for all those who were getting results back this year. Futures depend on what is in those envelopes. How terrifying. I wouldn't want to be back at High School and doing my exams. I can feel then nerves just thinking about it. Those days, I am thankful to say, will always be a dim and distant memory.
Until next time.
Christina x
Everything was back to normal on Monday as usual and after only an hour or so it seemed like we had never been on holiday. It didn't really hit me until I went to bed. What a time for it to hit. I am in the bed on my own. Great! This isn't a brilliant time to be feeling lonely. I couldn't get to sleep because of it. Even now I am finding it difficult and it is now Thursday.
But on saying that I have got back into the swing of working on my novel. I am into my fourth draft now. I hope to get it finished soon and then maybe, just may be, I can get it sent off to an agent. The only time that I have been this nervous is when I have been waiting for exam results or going for an interview and my nerves always get the better of me. Even now. You would think that with all the experiences I have had over the years that this wouldn't be an issue, but it is, and I don't think I am going to be able to get rid of them now. I can, I suppose, forever live in hope. I felt sorry for all those who were getting results back this year. Futures depend on what is in those envelopes. How terrifying. I wouldn't want to be back at High School and doing my exams. I can feel then nerves just thinking about it. Those days, I am thankful to say, will always be a dim and distant memory.
Until next time.
Christina x
Wednesday, 18 August 2010
'Those Summer Days'
Annual Holidays, whether we are staying at home or going abroad, are always something we look forward to. This year we are doing the 'Staycation'. Days here and there. Doing something if we want to or not as the mood takes us.
On saying that we are very nearly at the end of our holidays. So far we have been to see the Stars and their Cars exhibition (my husband's choice) at Alexandria, a town near Balloch and Loch Lomond. It was an exhibit of about twelve cars from programmes such as the Saint and Only Fools and Horses to movies such as Back to the Future, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Batman and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. We then headed further on into Balloch. Well actually it was the other side of Balloch where we went to Loch Lomond Bird of Prey Centre. A place we have been before. It has moved premises and is looking absolutely fabulous. It was great. The tour round was great as we got to see the owls, falcons, hawks, buzzards, and eagles. Orla the golden eagle managing to steal the show at every opportunity. It was great.
Thursday saw us roll out of bed at 7am. By 8.20 we were heading to Northumberland and Alnwich Castle to be more precise. This is the kind of Castle that, as youngsters, we dream of having and being a knight in some big adventure. And it has been in umpteen adventures through various television series and movies. It is surrounded by gorgeous gardens and farm land. It is such an easy place to fall in love with. There was plenty of things for all ages. For the older Knights and Ladies not able to keep up with their younger counterparts a wander round the Castles interior was awe-inspiring. Whilst outside there was archery for those 11 years old and older, being able to dress up as a knight (or a lady) before practising the finer points of swordship. On the particular day we were there Hagrid and Dumbledore from the Harry Potter series were there to help amuse youngsters of all ages. The gardens were spectacular and we even went into the Poison Gardens. A part of the garden where we were not allowed to wander willy nilly and could only go in twenty at a time with a guide and the gates were unlocked to let the group in and locked behind us once on our entrance and after we left. It was a great day out and we didn't even see all of it. We will need to return other day to see the rest of it. 
This week we have spread our wings towards Stirling and headed for the Bo'ness section of Stars and their Cars before heading to Bannockburn and the National Trust Property which tells us about Robert the Bruce's fight at Bannockburn. This is a place which we could readily go back again and again and to admire the views as well as learn a little Scottish history.
The weather has been great and even though we have seen the occasional rain. We have seen a great deal of sunshine also. It has been great to see.
Wednesday, 28 July 2010
'The End'
I have, for sometime now, been working on a novel. When I say some time I mean exactly that. The idea came to me about nine years but due to other commitments at the time I did absolutely nothing about it. It was not until about three and a bit years ago that things changed. After the death of my mother I decided it was time to actually get myself into gear and start to do something about this idea that had been persistently floating about in my head. So I joined the Writers Bureau, a correspondence course to improve my writing skills. Which were pretty non existent really. I loved it. It has been difficult but I loved it. But that idea was getting more and more persistent. It had changed a little over the intervening times but now it was time to get to grips with it. I tried it out as part of a couple of my assignments and got some really good feedback along with the constructive critisms. It was just what I needed, and so the novel has been worked upon. Don't get me wrong. It is nowhere near completion and I have a lot of work to do but I have managed to get it typed up with those two little words telling my that I had managed to get through a written first draft and a typed second draft. I had edited it and cut alot of waffle out. Yes if you haven't already gathered from my blogs yes I can waffle with the best of them. Good Gold medal potential for waffling at the next Olympic Games. What are those two little words? Sorry didn't I say. They are those immortal words that come at the end of a book or movie. They are of course, 'The End'.
Never in a million years did I ever think that I would ever get to this stage. And not so long ago I would never have dreamed of actually doing something like this. But that idea had to persistently bang against the inside of my head so I just couldn't ignore it any more. So here I am. I have a second draft all typed up with those very nice two little words. The idea is now down on paper and a look at the Writers and Artists Yearbook has been studied. But unfortunately no matter how much I want to concentrate on this my first novel a sequel idea is now battering around inside my head. One would have been enough but this idea seemed to lend itself to a second. No matter how excited the writer in me is I have to use the logical grown up head and get down to working on the first and making it as good as I can before running off to do a second. One thing at a time.
Never in a million years did I ever think that I would ever get to this stage. And not so long ago I would never have dreamed of actually doing something like this. But that idea had to persistently bang against the inside of my head so I just couldn't ignore it any more. So here I am. I have a second draft all typed up with those very nice two little words. The idea is now down on paper and a look at the Writers and Artists Yearbook has been studied. But unfortunately no matter how much I want to concentrate on this my first novel a sequel idea is now battering around inside my head. One would have been enough but this idea seemed to lend itself to a second. No matter how excited the writer in me is I have to use the logical grown up head and get down to working on the first and making it as good as I can before running off to do a second. One thing at a time.
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
Royal Highland Show
Sunday was an early start for us as we went to the Royal Highland Show at Ingleston. Us being my husband and me for a day out.
On the advice of a friend, who has been before, we left early and arrived at twenty to nine and got a parking space near to the gate (this was a good move for later on when we were leaving). We didn't have far to walk to the gate. At £22 pounds for each of us it was, I thought, a little expensive to get in. As we wandered round there was the smell of food getting cooked at regular intervals. We brought our own lunch (another piece of valuable advice from that seasoned friend) the food was expensive too. So before us lay walkways of stalls and arena's waiting for the events to start. Thank goodness for the map telling us where everything was and the book telling us what times various events were on at. It saved a lot of time and energy trying to look for stuff. I was also surprised at the amount of people who were there that we knew.
The weather was glorious and thankfully I put on sun cream; I burn really easily you see and that was the last thing I wanted to happen. Past experience has taught me that.

There were loads of things to see but much to the amusement of my husband I found the Birds of Prey. If there are birds of prey to be found at an event we are at then I will find them. We watched the first of two displays they were putting on that day. Here are the Harris Hawks that they used as part of their display. It was fun to watch. My husband is really patient over this. I like owls you see so I stood a stared for a while. He left me to it and had a seat until I was ready to move on.
I have to admit by the time we had seen everything that we wanted too it was about twenty to three and I was ready for going home. So we headed back. It was when I got back out into the carpark I was glad we had arrived early. We were met by a mass of vehicles all shapes and sizes. My poor legs wouldn't have taken the trek back to the car if it had been further away from the entrance.
It has, however, taken me two days to recover from my walking marathon but I have to admit I can't wait for next year to come around to see what else we can find.
Best go; dinner is on the table.
On the advice of a friend, who has been before, we left early and arrived at twenty to nine and got a parking space near to the gate (this was a good move for later on when we were leaving). We didn't have far to walk to the gate. At £22 pounds for each of us it was, I thought, a little expensive to get in. As we wandered round there was the smell of food getting cooked at regular intervals. We brought our own lunch (another piece of valuable advice from that seasoned friend) the food was expensive too. So before us lay walkways of stalls and arena's waiting for the events to start. Thank goodness for the map telling us where everything was and the book telling us what times various events were on at. It saved a lot of time and energy trying to look for stuff. I was also surprised at the amount of people who were there that we knew.
The weather was glorious and thankfully I put on sun cream; I burn really easily you see and that was the last thing I wanted to happen. Past experience has taught me that.

There were loads of things to see but much to the amusement of my husband I found the Birds of Prey. If there are birds of prey to be found at an event we are at then I will find them. We watched the first of two displays they were putting on that day. Here are the Harris Hawks that they used as part of their display. It was fun to watch. My husband is really patient over this. I like owls you see so I stood a stared for a while. He left me to it and had a seat until I was ready to move on.
I have to admit by the time we had seen everything that we wanted too it was about twenty to three and I was ready for going home. So we headed back. It was when I got back out into the carpark I was glad we had arrived early. We were met by a mass of vehicles all shapes and sizes. My poor legs wouldn't have taken the trek back to the car if it had been further away from the entrance.
It has, however, taken me two days to recover from my walking marathon but I have to admit I can't wait for next year to come around to see what else we can find.
Best go; dinner is on the table.
Saturday, 26 June 2010
'The Owl and the Pussycat'
I had a laugh during the week. For those who don't know me well I have a love for owls. Don't ask me why as the answer is I don't know but I do. It was the photograph that actually caught my attention. It was a tiger (if I remember correctly) and lying in it's enclosure and at it's front paws was a little bundle of fluff which was, in truth, a baby Tawny Owl which, as the article went onto explain, had fallen out of the nest and landed in the tiger enclosure. Once it was able to fly it managed to get out of the enclosure but it had to spend a few days with the tiger before it's wings were strong enough to get it out of harms way. Not that it seemed to be an any great danger as the tiger didn't seem to bothered by it in any way, shape or form. But I have to admit it was just a wonderful picture. I would have loved to have seen the initial reaction of the tiger. A nice feel good piece for a change.
Sunday, 20 June 2010
Catch up
Ok so I haven't done a post for a while but I haven't been having the best of times just lately. All I can say is that I have bad days and less bad days. It is the only way I really know how to put it. It may not may sense to you but it is the only way I know how to put it.
Today, however, I had one of those moments that I felt anywhere near normal (whatever normal may be). The sun was shining, the temperature was in the mid 20's (warm for this part of Scotland) it smelt like a proper summer day I could have been anywhere in the world. It makes me think of 'The Darling Buds of May' now there is something with the feel good factor.
In fact it reminds me of those childhood holidays abroad and in Britain where so many memories where made that I have to look back on. What would I do without them.
With all of these memories I just wish I knew how to put them to good use. Once I have written the fantasy I am working on then maybe I could put something together. But that is not for now that is for later. Way in the future later. Here's hoping.
Today, however, I had one of those moments that I felt anywhere near normal (whatever normal may be). The sun was shining, the temperature was in the mid 20's (warm for this part of Scotland) it smelt like a proper summer day I could have been anywhere in the world. It makes me think of 'The Darling Buds of May' now there is something with the feel good factor.
In fact it reminds me of those childhood holidays abroad and in Britain where so many memories where made that I have to look back on. What would I do without them.
With all of these memories I just wish I knew how to put them to good use. Once I have written the fantasy I am working on then maybe I could put something together. But that is not for now that is for later. Way in the future later. Here's hoping.
Monday, 24 May 2010
Easter finally comes for me
Sorry for the wait but this good weather we have been having recently has taken me away from the every day things which I should have been doing. But I had some excitment this week.
You see at the beginning of April my husband (the dear) preordered the Feral Companions book. Two novellas one by Simon Maginn and the other by Gary Fry. Over one month and two phone calls (at least) later and we get a phone call to say that it has come into store for me to pick up. So yesterday we enjoyed the weather and went to pick up my Easter Present. Needless to say my husband ate his easter present long since.
Now I have the pleasure of getting to read works by my tutor. I get to see how it is suppose to be done. Well here's hoping, with all this good weather I might even get to sit in the garden with a drink of my choice and read it. Will let you know.
You see at the beginning of April my husband (the dear) preordered the Feral Companions book. Two novellas one by Simon Maginn and the other by Gary Fry. Over one month and two phone calls (at least) later and we get a phone call to say that it has come into store for me to pick up. So yesterday we enjoyed the weather and went to pick up my Easter Present. Needless to say my husband ate his easter present long since.
Now I have the pleasure of getting to read works by my tutor. I get to see how it is suppose to be done. Well here's hoping, with all this good weather I might even get to sit in the garden with a drink of my choice and read it. Will let you know.
Monday, 10 May 2010
Competition Time
I have written the short story; left it for a week; re-read it; changed gramatical errors; have done front page. I hav double checked everything right down to the fact that I had filled in the entry form correctly and got my husband to double check everything right down to me having filled the in entry form correctly.
My short story is winging its way to Woman&Home Magazine for this year's short story competition if it hasn't already arrived that is. I now hold my breath. May 21st is the closing date and so I turn purple in the face whilst I await the results. This is the part I dislike the most. The having to wait to see if I get a reply. The things we put ourselves through for doing something that we love so much. Just keep thinking of all those before and all those who follow that have been and will go through this too. It doesn't help with now though. Only another couple of weeks or so until closing date.
Can't time go just a little quicker, just this once?
My short story is winging its way to Woman&Home Magazine for this year's short story competition if it hasn't already arrived that is. I now hold my breath. May 21st is the closing date and so I turn purple in the face whilst I await the results. This is the part I dislike the most. The having to wait to see if I get a reply. The things we put ourselves through for doing something that we love so much. Just keep thinking of all those before and all those who follow that have been and will go through this too. It doesn't help with now though. Only another couple of weeks or so until closing date.
Can't time go just a little quicker, just this once?
Thursday, 29 April 2010
Novel Research
I have started writing a novel. I had been thinking about it for many years, like so many others I am sure, and I have got a lot of the background work done. I was taking photographs today of the place where the big finally between goodies and baddies is going to be. I readily admit I need a visual reminder as I am sure I will not be able to remember it whilst trying to write this sequence. Little did I know that this was going to create an unusual scene and a bit of an adventure in itself. But that is a whole different story which will be told some day I am sure.
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
My Very First Blog
I never thought the day where I would follow in the footsteps of so many others and start a blog. But here I am, doing just that. If it hadn't been for so many others I wouldn't have had the courage to do so myself.
I better introduce myself. My name 'Sunday name' is Christina but I am Chris to many of my friends and family.
My hopes for this blog? For it to follow me on my journey through my writing experiences, whatever they may be and for any other experiences which may come along in this journey of mine.
I better introduce myself. My name 'Sunday name' is Christina but I am Chris to many of my friends and family.
My hopes for this blog? For it to follow me on my journey through my writing experiences, whatever they may be and for any other experiences which may come along in this journey of mine.
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