Friday, 29 October 2010

Novel Number Two

How many times in the three and a bit years I have been doing the WB course has that lack of self confidence kicked in? Many I can assure you, and it has done it again. This you may have noticed, fellow bloggers, in my last blog.

Now thankfully the lack of self confidence has now gone and things seem to be getting back on track again. How do I know this? I have started novel number two.

Novel number one has been worked to within an inch of it's life, to say the least, and after a visit to the local library to use their copy of the Writers and Artists Yearbook so I could get a list of agents I have started the task of sending out my work in the hope that an agent will like what they see and decide to take me on as a client. I live in hope with fingers, toes, arms and legs all crossed. But to stop my nerves from kicking in and my self confidence plummeting into the depths I have started the second book in my trilogy. The background work has been done, new characters profiled (must get the profiles of the returning characters out of the filing system), scenes and chapters typed and printed, and today pen got put together and the second novel has begun. A day to remember although if the last book is anything to go by it will soon become and dim and distant memory.

And so to the filing box before I forget and pull out those profiles I desperately need. I hope that I will hear from you all soon.

Monday, 25 October 2010

Writing Changes

I was always the sister that many thought was the shy, quiet one. I think I have surprised a few people along the way as I haven't turned out to be so shy and retiring. My other half just snorts at me when I say that I was once, shy and retiring.

Even though I have come out of my shell, so to speak, my self confidence hasn't exactly been very high. I would never be able to do something like Strictly Come dancing or X facter as I am neither very good at dancing or singing. I would also be very embarrassed at having to do something in front of the general public.

However, when I made the concious decision to try writing a novel I managed to get to the end. I was filled with elation. I had managed to do it but then came the scary bit. I had then to go on and start my attempts at getting an agent. This is not the easiest of things. I know that from the many interviews I have read about other authors. But if I had still be that shy, quiet and retiring youngster that I once was then I would have given up after the first rejection and gone no further; but I have now applied to two further agents. I would never have done that in what now feels like a previous life. It is amazing just how obvious to me it now is; just how much I have changed and all because of a writing course and great tution.