Thursday, 29 April 2010

Novel Research

I have started writing a novel. I had been thinking about it for many years, like so many others I am sure, and I have got a lot of the background work done. I was taking photographs today of the place where the big finally between goodies and baddies is going to be. I readily admit I need a visual reminder as I am sure I will not be able to remember it whilst trying to write this sequence. Little did I know that this was going to create an unusual scene and a bit of an adventure in itself. But that is a whole different story which will be told some day I am sure.

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

My Very First Blog

I never thought the day where I would follow in the footsteps of so many others and start a blog. But here I am, doing just that. If it hadn't been for so many others I wouldn't have had the courage to do so myself.

I better introduce myself. My name 'Sunday name' is Christina but I am Chris to many of my friends and family.

My hopes for this blog? For it to follow me on my journey through my writing experiences, whatever they may be and for any other experiences which may come along in this journey of mine.